Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New list of Seattle's Green Tech companies

Well what do you know - exactly what I've been trying to compile myself over the last month through painstaking research. Now John Cook, the Seattle PI's Venture Capital reporter has done the work for me:

Seattle's 35 "green tech" firms

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rebates for installing Solar in WA

I've been sitting on this post for a while, I finally got around to cleaning it up and getting it out.

The Seattle Times had a few articles on installing solar panels in the paper a while ago, which I was happy to see. One of the articles had this little nugget that was news to me:

"...the state has new production incentives for utilities to pay solar owners 54 cents per kilowatt produced from solar modules and inverters (which synchronize electricity collected to the grid) made in Washington. For a 3-kW system, that would be roughly $2,000 a year, Nelson said. (A new factory is being built in the state that should provide the modules later this year.)

"With those higher payments and other federal tax breaks and state incentives, owners can effectively recoup their investment in seven years once the factory-built panels are available in our state, Nelson said."
Some further research reveals the following:
  • Your system must, of course, be grid-tied
  • The 54 cents/kwh payment expires on June 30 of 2014, so if you acted right now to get a 3000 kw system installed on your home (to the tune of $20-30k), you could potentially recoup $2k/year for the next 6 years only.
  • The 54 cents/kwh is based on a base rate of 15 cents/kwh, with some multipliers tacked on (2.4x if you have solar panels manufactured in WA, and 1.2x if you have an inverter manufactured in WA).
  • The rebate payment is capped at $2k per year, so you wouldn't benefit from installing a system large enough to generate more than $2k in rebate money (I'm not saying you shouldn't go big, of course...).
Outback Power Systems makes inverters in Arlington, WA. Outback formed a subsidiary called Silicon Energy (also based in Arlington) who is manufacturing solar panels there.

Here's a good explanation of the incentives:

Friday, April 18, 2008

Recycling businesses

Recycling is most certainly a noble way to make money. It's input is usually something that might otherwise be thrown away, and its output is something that is again useful to society. The challenges to recycling are how to make the trash-to-treasure cycle worth taking on. The answer is simple - make the process make money - but it's easier said than done. Here is a list of things that consumers could recycle, and my next step in this exploration would be to learn more about how/if businesses are making money recycling any of these things:

  • Construction waste
    • The Re-Store here in Seattle takes construction materials it thinks it can sell again (used windows in good shape, doors, flooring, etc.). There's alot of trash in the trash-to-treasure cycle here, so owners have to be pretty discerning about what they take in.
    • There are other businesses that can actually take construction debris, like wood, and grind it up into pulp or particles to be used somewhere else. [Need some examples here]
  • Yard waste:
    • How often have you done yardwork and ended up with a huge pile of weeds and sod, a big ole pile of dirt, or chunks of concrete? Don't you hate the prospect of having to pay someone to haul this away, or even worse, load it up in a truck yourself and take it to the dump? It would be cool to find a way to make hauling this stuff away worth someone's time and effort...
  • Computer parts:
    • Places like Re-PC in Seattle will take your old used computers and computer components and sell them to other end consumers. They also serve as recycling centers for things like CRT monitors that nobody seems to be able to get rid of these days. They usually charge a fee for recycling monitors.
    • Extracting metals and other materials from computer waste - this happens alot in places like China and India where the labor to separate valuable parts is cheap, and the oversight into working with hazardous materials is lax, to say the least.
  • Household garbage
    • In Seattle, we can recycle glass, cans, paper and food waste by just putting these items out for pickup by the city's waste management services. But there's still alot of crap that gets thrown out that just ends up sitting in landfills. I wonder what this is, and if there's a way to turn it into something useful. [Note: Pyrolisis machines like the one from Clean Solutions Company can dispose of some of this waste]
  • Wastewater:
    • In cities, most of our wastewater goes to treatment plants. This is how we want it for really nasty stuff, like human waste, but the reality is that we also send alot of "just barely unclean" water to treatment plants, and this water could be used on our own properties. Systems that recycle water within a household are typically called greywater systems, and can take waste water from your shower and use it to flush the toilet, or water the lawn. The use of greywater systems would reduce the energy needed to process wastewater and in the case of using greywater to water your lawn, it would allow the earth to percolate and purify water. This transfers some of the water treatment burden from wastewater systems to the earth (which does it for free. Note that a homeowner would need to be careful about what soaps/chemicals/etc. are put into the greywater systems since whatever goes into the greywater system could end up in the groundwater, so it does require some changes in habits. I wonder if someone has found a simple greywater system that can be installed in new houses? That might be an opportunity for someone interested...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Green Tech or Clean Tech?

I found this blog post below interesting - it addresses the question of the difference between Clean Tech and Green Tech:

In a nutshell, it appears that Cleantech was coined by some VC folks who did alot of thinking about how to position their efforts (as the post indicates, saying you're part of the "energy and environment" sector was awkward). Greentech was odd for various reasons - too political in some ways ("green" sounds too far-left leaning, perhaps), and, to lift a quote from the post, "who wants green air or green water?".

Anyways, our blog uses Green Tech, and we did an entire 10 seconds of thinking on the name. So take that.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Company Research: V2Green

V2Green is really focusing on making vehicles "grid aware", meaning that cars will learn to interact with the grid to make decisions about when best to charge so that the grid doesn't get overloaded, when to give power back to the grid, potentially who to bill for the charging, etc. When you start thinking about the company in this way, V2Green's potential really starts to blossom in my mind.

Here are some links for my research into what V2Green does. If I wasn't lazy, I'd summarize this for you, but just like in school, it's better if you read/hear all the supporting material as opposed to just reading the Cliff's Notes:

My Point Exactly

Here's a blog post (from late last year) on our local Seattle PI website that expresses the crux of my concern: Seattle is ripe for green tech investment, but it's just not happening. Dennis DuBois writes:

Ted Bernhard, Managing Director of the Stoel Rives Energy Ventures Group, blogged about the Northwest's straggling clean-tech investing scene.

"I continue to be struck by the fact that there is enormous regional, national, and global institutional investor interest in clean tech, a lot of high quality, clean tech companies and deal flow in the Seattle, Portland and the Northwest, a wide range of new angel organizations focusing on cleantech in the region and a boom (verging on an overly exhuberant bubble) among bay area venture capitalists, yet there is so little or no activity in Oregon and Washington -- the supposed cleantech leaders of the nation."

Read the rest of the article here:

Other Companies of Interest

The following is a list of other companies or products that I find interesting and whose progress I enjoy following. They're not located in Seattle, unfortunately.

Electric Vehicles:
  • Th!nk - (also called Think) Norwegian electric car manufacturer (see more complete info on wikipedia here). They have some really cool ideas for their cars, including local assembly shops to cut down on transportation costs, and a monthly fee that covers the battery pack and a communications service so that you can communicate with the car ('hey car, I just found out I have to go to a meeting 20 miles away - how much juice do you have?'). The monthly fee for the batteries has a dual advantage in that it allows one to lease the batteries which cuts down on the initial cost of the car, and it also allows you to exchange the batteries for new ones at no add'l cost when the old ones wear out. Think has a deal with Tesla to buy Tesla's battery systems.
  • - awesome fansite for the Volt. Lyle Dennis is Volt fan who has created one of the best sites for info on the Volt.
  • Tesla - high end electric sports car. Tesla is cool because they are focusing first on a high end car for people with alot of $$, and will parlay success there into a car for the masses.
  • Miles Electric - US-based manufacturer with plans to release a high-speed sedan with a 100+ mile range.
Alternative Fuels:
Solar Solutions:

[I have more to add, but I'll do it a little later when I have more time]

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Finding Green Jobs in Seattle

Green Tech jobs sites:
Salary Info:

Local Seattle companies that deal with green technology

Here's a list of companies I've found that deal with green tech locally here in Seattle.
  • 3Tier - create maps for wind, solar and wave energy assessments
  • Global Energy Concepts - clean energy consultancy
  • Infinia - actually these guys are located in Spokane, but they're the only solar technology company I can find in WA
  • Imperium Renewables Seattle-based biodiesel company
  • Verdiem - products that reduce PC power consumption at locations with alot of PCs (an office, for example)
  • AltaRock Energy geothermal startup - no content on page
  • PowerIt Solutions intelligent energy management products for buildings
  • V2Green manage communication between the plug-in EVs and the grid
  • Optimum Energy develops networked building control applications and products to reduce energy consumption in commercial buildings

Sources for Green Tech news

Here are some sites I frequent for information on green technology:

Purpose for Seattle Green Tech blog

Background and Goal

We live in a very progressive state, and an even more progressive city. While we’re blessed with this, we are also cursed with very cheap, and relatively clean (depending on your point of view) electric energy. This “curse” means that people have little incentive to explore solar or wind energy options. I am confident that Seattle will be at the forefront of greener energy usage, and I want to be part of that industry here. In order to do that, I believe we need to get involved in the industry locally now, so that we’re experienced and knowledgeable when the industry really takes off.

So, I’d like to start a discussion about the green energy industry with others because a) I don’t know much about the industry, b) I’d like to find ways to get connected locally with the industry, and c) I’d like to figure out what jobs are local that have to do with clean technology.


Here are my initial thoughts on boundaries (e.g. things I want to explore, versus things I don’t care about right now). I’m not saying I don’t want to learn about other alternative energy options, so don’t view this as me trying to set limits on anything, but there are some things I care about more than others.

  1. I’m primarily interested in electric energy. I’m not that interested in biofuels, ethanol, hydrogen, etc.
  2. My ideal next career would be with a company that produced clean electric energy (e.g. solar panel company or related), or used clean electric energy to offset some other dirty energy (electric cars, for example). Some ideas:

o Build infrastructure for electric cars

o Build software applications for electric cars (ala the Think City approach to possibly allowing 3rd party apps onboard the vehicle)

o Be part of a movement to make solar electricity or solar hot water heating an affordable option for average homeowners

Anyways, for now I'll use this blog to post information that I find useful as I explore green technology in Seattle.