Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Purpose for Seattle Green Tech blog

Background and Goal

We live in a very progressive state, and an even more progressive city. While we’re blessed with this, we are also cursed with very cheap, and relatively clean (depending on your point of view) electric energy. This “curse” means that people have little incentive to explore solar or wind energy options. I am confident that Seattle will be at the forefront of greener energy usage, and I want to be part of that industry here. In order to do that, I believe we need to get involved in the industry locally now, so that we’re experienced and knowledgeable when the industry really takes off.

So, I’d like to start a discussion about the green energy industry with others because a) I don’t know much about the industry, b) I’d like to find ways to get connected locally with the industry, and c) I’d like to figure out what jobs are local that have to do with clean technology.


Here are my initial thoughts on boundaries (e.g. things I want to explore, versus things I don’t care about right now). I’m not saying I don’t want to learn about other alternative energy options, so don’t view this as me trying to set limits on anything, but there are some things I care about more than others.

  1. I’m primarily interested in electric energy. I’m not that interested in biofuels, ethanol, hydrogen, etc.
  2. My ideal next career would be with a company that produced clean electric energy (e.g. solar panel company or related), or used clean electric energy to offset some other dirty energy (electric cars, for example). Some ideas:

o Build infrastructure for electric cars

o Build software applications for electric cars (ala the Think City approach to possibly allowing 3rd party apps onboard the vehicle)

o Be part of a movement to make solar electricity or solar hot water heating an affordable option for average homeowners

Anyways, for now I'll use this blog to post information that I find useful as I explore green technology in Seattle.

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